This project was group work of all 12 members of the unit, we had to develop our initial understanding of the site, on our study trip, we divided the site into different tiles and studied each area in
significant detail. The process we used to document this detail was through ‘hairy drawings’. These are annotated maps that we utilised to document our area of the site for creating a 1.200 axonometric drawing.
significant detail. The process we used to document this detail was through ‘hairy drawings’. These are annotated maps that we utilised to document our area of the site for creating a 1.200 axonometric drawing.
As a group, we found it an effective tool to develop a forensic understanding of the materiality of the site. To help with our representation of the site being cohesive we created a key to represent the materiality we observed, from the trees down to the bricks. We observed an intricate balance between repetition and individuality between the buildings and the spaces they created around them. Along with the relationship the form of the buildings
had with one another in the rich community within Swansea.
had with one another in the rich community within Swansea.

These are a closer look at the three A3 pages that I created.